Mihaela GLIGOR, Ph. D., Scientific Research, Romanian Academy, Cluj Napoca, Romania

Born in 1977, Mihaela GLIGOR studied Philosophy at the “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, where she also received her M.A. in Philosophy of Human and her Ph.D. in Philosophy in 2006 with a thesis about Mircea Eliade and Romanian Right Extreme.
In 2001-2002 she taught seminars on The Philosophy of Religions. In 2005-2006 she taught a course about Philosophy and Politics in interwar Europe at Faculty of European Studies at “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca.
She is the author of many reviews and studies about life and work of Mircea Eliade in Romanian Journals. She is co-translator, in Romanian, of Mac Linscott Ricketts's monumental work, Mircea Eliade. The Romanian Roots. 1907-1945 (Bucharest, Criterion Publishing, 2004).
She coordinated, together with Mac Linscott Ricketts, the following volumes: Întâlniri cu / Encounters with Mircea Eliade (Cluj-Napoca, „Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă” Publishing House, 2005) and Întâlniri cu Mircea Eliade (Bucharest, Humanitas Publishing House, 2007).
Author of volume Mircea Eliade. Anii tulburi. 1932-1938 (Mircea Eliade. His political involvement. 1932-1938), published in Bucharest, Editura Fundaţiei Culturale Ideea Europeană, 2007.
She coordinated, together with Mac Linscott Ricketts, Professor Mircea Eliade: Reminiscences (Kolkata, Codex Publishing House, 2008).
She is a Scientific Researcher in the field of Philosophy at The Romanian Academy, “George Bariţ” Institute of History Cluj-Napoca, Department of Humanities.